
Customized Solutions for Every Organizing Need in the Greater Hartford and New England areas.

Explore our service packages and don't hesitate to reach out if you're seeking tailored solutions that might not fit within the confines of traditional packages.

If you find that your specific needs don't align perfectly with our packaged offerings, our individualized services are here to address those unique challenges.

Contact us to discuss project timelines, pricing, and personalized planning to achieve your organizational goals effectively.

Service Packages

  • This plan is perfect for those undergoing a transition to a new home or business. Our team specializes in unpacking, sorting, and arranging belongings according to your priorities. We work closely with you to execute your plan efficiently. We assess timeframes to determine the necessary team size and handle everything, including the removal of excess packaging. Your input drives the process, ensuring a seamless transition to your new space.

  • Need to declutter and reorganize your space? Our comprehensive package offers full assistance in clearing out clutter, rearranging belongings, and optimizing available space. You have the option to be hands-on in the decision-making process or leave it to our expert team. We can assist in clearing spaces entirely, setting aside items for sale or donation, and ensuring a more functional, organized environment.

  • Designed for specific circumstances such as estate sales, downsizing, transitions due to the loss of a loved one, or addressing hoarding issues, this package offers specialized support. Whether it's managing a property sale, assisting with downsizing, facilitating moves for the elderly, or addressing hoarding concerns, our team is here to provide compassionate and efficient assistance tailored to your situation. The inclusion of dumpster/hauling arrangements supports our organized approach, allowing you to focus on the aspects that matter most during challenging times.

  • Are you in the midst of a business renovation? Our services extend beyond residential transitions to support businesses undergoing transformations. Renovations can be overwhelming, and ensuring a seamless transition is crucial for business continuity. Our team specializes in assisting businesses during renovations, providing expert support in:

    Space Optimization: Maximizing your newly renovated space for improved functionality and efficiency.

    Inventory and Asset Management: Streamlining physical inventory and organizing assets to enhance productivity.

    Move Coordination: Assisting with the relocation of furniture, equipment, and supplies to the renovated or storage areas.

    Post-Renovation Setup: Setting up the space according to your specifications, ensuring a smooth return to business operations.

    Whether you’re upgrading your office, storefront, or any commercial space, our tailored solutions alleviate the stress of renovations, allowing you to focus on your business.

  • Maintaining an organized space is key. Our maintenance plans offer flexible scheduling—weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually—to revisit and refresh your previously organized areas. These check-ins help ensure that your space continues to meet your needs.

À la carte Services

At Refresh, we understand that your organizational needs might not always fit neatly into predefined packages. That's why we offer an array of à la carte services designed to cater to diverse requirements.

We're dedicated to crafting personalized approaches that precisely match your needs and objectives.

Contact us to discuss project timelines, pricing, and personalized planning to achieve your organizational goals effectively.

  • Attics





    Clutter Elimination

    Condemned Properties

    Estate organizing




    Outdoor Living Spaces


    Space Design/organizing

    Storage Solutions

    Storage Units/remote locations

  • Business Hoarding

    Clutter Elimination

    Condemned Properties


    Medical Offices

    Moving Preparation (packing/unpacking)

    Paper Management

    Renovation/Relocation Preparation

    Small Businesses

    Space Design

    Space Organizing

    Storage Solutions


  • After discussing your needs, we will determine a price based on the specific details of your project.

  • No, we tackle jobs that range from hours to months. Refresh can handle beautiful spaces or those that have become unmanageable. We aren’t afraid to get our hands dirty.

  • Refresh is very sensitive to the emotional repercussions associated with “letting go” and the whole process of relinquishing to us your possessions and putting us “in charge.” We are always open to listening intently to eliminate this barrier. Refresh wants you to feel successful.

  • We will accommodate your schedule as best we can. Naturally, the magnitude of the project and crew available according to your needs are variables.

  • This must be indicated at the outset to avoid problems with any allergies. We handle friendly pets and take into consideration their presence throughout the process.

  • Yes, upon request in the denomination you prefer.

Certifications & Badges

Refresh LLC  BBB Business Review
Rated & Reviewed HomeAdvisor Pro

Our Trusted Resources

Get in touch today to set up an appointment.